
Hertzian Landscapes

As a jammer, you can control the work -the panoramic electromagnetic field- yourself. This monumental projection is a live visualization of the radio spectrum. Unlike visible light, waves in this spectrum cannot be directly observed by us, yet this space is teeming with human activity. Hertzian Landscapes uses a digital receiver to scan large parts of the radio spectrum in near real time and visualizes thousands of signals. You can zoom in on specific frequencies by positioning yourself in front of the panorama as if you are controlling a radio tuner with your body and walking through the spectrum. Richard Vijgen is a master in artistic data visualization. He creates multisensory data experiences that visualize the invisible technological dimensions of reality. His work offers poetic interpretations of data and proposes a dialogue between the human perspective and the disembodied world of digital networks, algorithms and wireless communications. Photo: New Media Gallery

Hertzian Landscapes
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